Časopis Český lid č. 1/2015

vydání vyšlo: 25.3.2015

Obsah vydání

V časopisu Český lid č. 1/2015 najdete mimo jiné i tyto články a témata:

  • Anna Engelking: The myth of the Tower of Babel and its consequences: The indigenous grammars of the mixed world. A contribution to the anthropology of borderlands (based on research in Belarusian-Lithuanian borderlands)
  • Anna Zielińska: From the dialect map to the concept of borderland speech. Remarks on research carried out in Polish-German borderlands
  • Jadwiga Zieniukowa: The Kashubian language – a minority language spoken in borderlands as it was and as it is today
  • Graźyna Szwat-Gylybowa: The yamurluk of the sons of Hagar and the Sultan´s velvet coat. Borderlands between civilization: the Bulgarian perspective
  • Michal Murad – Miroslav Mareš: Kurdská komunita v České republice